It’s safe to say, this viral tweet did not go the way he planned!

Jon Reyes, the Minister of Economic Development and Jobs in Manitoba, shared this photo of his wife on Saturday.

In one of the least surprising reactions so far this year, the social media world lost it. People were furious that Reyes would not have had the lane shoveled, or at least gone out to help.

Here were some of the comments dragging him:

“What was wrong with your hands? Its the utter audacity for me? This whole tweet is ashy and dingy.”

“She only did it because you didn’t do it in her absence. I’m sure she was right p***** rolling up to the house after a 12hr day seeing it was not done. Decided to rage shovel.”

“And the reason *you* couldn’t be bothered to shovel instead of taking a picture from your room and tweeting is what, exactly? She just worked 12 hours. What were you doing?”

“Wait. You were up at 2:45 am watching tennis while your wife was working a 12 hr shift at a hospital during a pandemic? Then you took a picture of her shoveling your driveway from the warmth of your home? Good luck dude. I’ve cut people out of my life for a lot less than this.”

In light of the reactions, Jon has now said, “I’m happy that she is getting the worldwide recognition she deserves, and it serves as a reminder to everyone – especially me today – that we can never do enough to show our gratitude to healthcare workers.”

For her part, his wife Cynthia said, “All I wanted to do was shovel.”

Filed under: manitoba, snow, twitter, winnipeg, winter