BayToday reports last weeks windstorm churned up a significant amount of smelly, sludgy sediment along the Lake Nipissing shore on Sunset Boulevard, and local residents are hoping the city can help.
Mike Schryer just moved back to the family home on Sunset.
He tells BayToday it’s an annual issue each spring, then again around this time.
Schryer says the beach is city property and it should be taken care of.
“All we’re looking for is to collaborate with the city, we’re paying some high property taxes here, enough that I feel would justify a city worker coming by and sweeping away a couple of times in the summer, ” he says.
Another resident says the city will only take away the sludge if it’s brought over to the Sunset Park parking lot.
Gord Young, Communications officer for the City of North Bay tells BayToday while all municipal beach facilities are maintained, grooming of non-supervised beaches, such as Sunset Beach, is limited and may occur only once or twice during the summer and may not occur this year due to reduced resources because of COVID-19.
He says usually grooming does not occur at public access points or in front of private property.

But from time to time, crews will pick up sediment for private property owners who make arrangements in advance and place piles in easily accessible areas.
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(photo by Chris Dawson BayToday)

Filed under: lake-nipissing, sediment