A group trying to keep the planned increase to minimum wage at $15 an hour is hitting the streets of North Bay

Nipissing Decent Work is organizing the 15 and Fairness campaign to petition the PC Government.

Michael Dobson is with the campaign and says he speaks from experience, to keep wages at a livable standard

“It’s ridiculous and I feel for anyone else making $14 and hour right now With kids trying to make ends meet.  For me it’s trying to pay rent or putting food on the table every month. We’re out here collecting signatures for our !5 and Fairness Campaign we’re organizing in conjunction with the Ontario Federation of Labour and out here to keep Doug Ford’s hands off our minimum wage,” he says.

“We want to keep our existing labour rights. These include fair scheduling, paid holidays, and equal pay for equal work, along with increasing the minimum wage to $15,” said Lindsey Voisin.

“We know, just about everyone knows, that the Ontario economy is doing well; in fact, recent Stats Can numbers prove the fact that Ontario businesses have managed very well since January 1, 2018, when the much needed labour changes came into effect,” added Voisin.

“We know that North Bay has a high percentage of low-wage earners and they truly need and deserve Decent Work to properly invest in their families and their community. Based on our local efforts to talk with folks, many people seem very pleased with their employee rights and people are starting to recognize that these rights need to stay.”

Meantime, Dobson says there will be more opportunities to sign the petition on the month weeks.